Îmbrățișează-mi sufletul


Ia-mă în brațe, iar când o faci, fii sincer. Cuprinde-mă cu toată ființa ta, dar și cu sufletul tău.

Fă-mă să simt că aici și acum, în această îmbrățișare, e cel mai pur și minunat moment din viețile noastre.

Privește-mă adânc în ochi și fă-mă să simt că sufletele noastre vibrează în același ritm.

Sărută-mi fruntea și fă-mă să simt că alături de tine e cel mai sigur loc de pe Pămant.

Îmbrățișează-mă cu toată ființa ta, dar cel mai important, îmbrățișează-mi sufletul și ai grijă de el.

The Perfect Match

Once in a while I listen to people saying that “you haven’t found the one yet,  but when you do everything will seem easy and right”.

Dear people,  guess what?! I don’t believe that even for one second… There is no perfect match… There are compromise, patience, understanding and respect, all shown in the efforts we are putting in a relationship. We do not get to have a decent relationship unless we work for it… Nobody will support you and love you just because you are the perfect match, simply because of the basic principle: you have to give in order to receive.

I do agree that your feelings towards a person are very important and they are the “engine”  of a relationship but without the other “parts” the car wouldn’t work.

A relationship is more complex and it cannot be compared to a puzzle where all the pieces are a perfect match….

Dear Past Me,

If you could turn back in time and say something to yourself what would that be? 

If I could say something to the person I was 10 years ago that would be to enjoy as much as I can those innocent years when everything was simple and pure… To live that life fully without any regrets or concerns and make the most of it. Every age has its pluses and minuses but to me the most beautiful age is when you are an adolescent and you still believe everything is possible and you still have that naivety specific to the age. At that age your heart wasn’t broken yet and you can trust someone without any fears. So, dear past me, please make the most of it… 

I Love Your Dirty Socks

Another day, another pair of dirty socks added to the pile under our bed. I love that…

It means you are still here, it means we are still together. I can still admire you while you are sleeping. I can still put all my love and appreciation into a kiss on your forehead. I can still hug you and surrender in your arms. I can still smile at you with all my heart. I can still cook and watch you enjoying your favourite dish. I can still dance with you in the silence. I can still comfort you after a bad day. I can still get goosebumps from your touch.

I can still be happy and enjoy our life together…